If you are trying to save a contract template and the template does not save when you click the Save Changes button, please alternate from Visual Editor to Text Editor

If this still does not work, please ensure that you do not have a plugin that is replacing the default WP Editor. Our plugin relies on the default editor to save the contract templates.  You can test this by turning the editor plugin off and then trying to resave the template.

Secondly, you can see if you have a rouge .htaccess file in /wp-content directory that prevents executing PHP files inside /wp-content folder. This file can be created by plugins like WP Defender and iThemes Security.

Lastly, if this is not the case, please verify the plugin folder has execute permissions via FTP or if you have a security plugin installed, add a new rule to allow for the plugin files to be accessed and executed. The file used for this purpose is wp-content/plugins/onlinecontract/includes/editcontract.php. If this is an issue, more than likely it effects multiple areas on the plugin, so by correcting this issue, it may fix all other non-save related issues.